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Networking Communication Components
Mag Layers offers Ethernet magnetics that comply with IEEE802.3 standards.
![Mag Layers USA DIP-Type Lan descrete magnetic transformers that comply with IEEE802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards.](../images/ennccc01446185701.JPG)
- DIP-Type
- Mag Layers LAN discrete magnetic transformers are designed and manufactured to comply with IEEE802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards.
![Mag Layers USA SMD-Type Lan descrete magnetic transformers that comply with IEEE802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards.](../images/ennccc01446185727.JPG)
- SMD-Type
- Mag Layers LAN discrete magnetic transformers are designed and manufactured to comply with IEEE802.3 and ANSI X3.263 standards.